Swimming is the sport where competitive spirit and health are perfectly united. Not occasionally it is mostly suggested to the youth. This discipline involves in harmony and symmetry the musculature of the whole body: both the lower and upper limbs, improving sensibly the respiratory capacities and the activity of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, at early age it favours the learning and the co-ordination capacities in suggesting tasks that differ according to the style and the difficulty of floating, depending on the tasks that are given to the upper part or the lower part of the body. The body of swimmers appears to have perfect proportions with developed and tapering muscle masses. The energetic waste caused by under water movements is remarkable and the power of the arms must be completely adequate to the sophisticated technique of the technical motor gesture appropriate to avoid useless fatigue. Our opinion is that the only flaw of this sport lies in the repetitiveness of training methods which are during most part of the year, in a swimming pool, indoor. The dry activity of the training programmes is becoming an essential part of the preparation, but it is obvious that the major work is done under water. Electrostimulation could not only be a valid help to improve the physical aspects useful to the swimmer, but also an excellent means to diversify training tables, making them more varied and introducing an innovating element in the usual range of proposed exercises. The specific card offers numerous programmes ranging from muscle strengthening to improving the aerobic capacities, according to the demands both to improve the performance regarding short distances and long distances. Also in this case, we suggest to integrate the training that can be exercised using electrostimulation in the general annual programme studied around the table “ad personam”. It is possible to personalise a training even more, stimulating single muscle districts that, according to the trainer, are less-developed compared to the capacities of the swimmer or that cannot be developed well with the normal training method. In other words, pushing more rapidly the construction times of a certain physical aspect in function of an important event “adding” the work with electrostimulation to the traditional work in the sports centre and swimming pool. From an exclusively medical point of view, the pathologies of the swimmer, are definitely inferior to those of other athletes, as swimming is one of the “softest” sports. Anyway, even rarely, also the sports centre makes the swimmer suffer from irritating inflammations of tendons and from pain in the joints. Therefore on the specific card are included Tens currents to cure the most usual misfortunes that the athletes encounter in races of more or less higher level.