Basketball is a complete activity and showed rather complicated problems in the programming of the card, as it was necessary to reconcile in a completely different way, at the study stage, the physical aspects related to strength and metabolic peculiarities which are partly mixed: Aerobic/anaerobic alactacid. Furthermore, it was necessary to consider in great part that the physical activity is charged to the upper limbs as well as the lower limbs. As far as the quality of the strength of the basketball player concerned, we think that the research to improve its parameters must be completely similar to those of the skier or the volleyball player or the sprinter. The continuous changes of direction, the short but fulminant burst and the rise to the basket are typical expressions of an explosive musculature that requires extremely dynamic contractions. In fact, practically, the card contains the complete range of programmes proposed with intensity, obviously, specifically for this discipline. Also for basketball counts, in fact, that there has been an evolution regarding the aspects of the playing, related to the appearance and the physical power. The time when the tall ones made the difference under the basket, has gone. Nowadays the small ones (so to speak) are able to make up for certain lacks of a smaller body, thanks to the great athletic dynamism, even if the tall ones are becoming less slow and clumsy, revealing agility and speed. Something we could not even think of not so long ago. Basketball is a complete sport. Therefore we can recommend this sport to children as it is educational, stimulating for their intelligence and for the learning of co-ordinative capacities, optimal to socialise and to learn to live in a group, respecting rules of behaviour. Furthermore it is one of the most interesting sports from a playful point of view. The dry training should have a programme that alternates exercises of aerobic kind and training sessions that improve physical aspects of strength. Electrostimulation is useful both for giving an extra dimension to the development of specific characteristics and for acting in a sectorial way on the muscle districts in the trunk and upper limbs, in order to increase co-ordination and power. Basketball, in a certain way, is not a contact sport even if, in fact, especially underneath the basket, everything can happen. Anyway, fractures are rare. Little more frequent are those in the nasal septum caused by elbow thrusts. Frequent are distortions of the ankle and knee, tendinitis and inflammations of ligaments in general in all parts of the body, not only in the lower limbs. The Tens current is part of the determinative solution to these problems.